by Coulas Insurance Ltd. | Jan 31, 2024 | 2024, Blog, business owners, Estate Planning, Family, financial advice, Financial Planning, individuals, Investment, personal finances, Professionals, retirement, rrsp, Tax Free Savings Account
Tax-Free Savings Account vs Registered Retirement Savings PlanWhen looking to save money in a tax-efficient manner, Tax-Free Savings Accounts (TFSA) and Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSP) can offer significant tax benefits. To assist you in understanding the...
by Coulas Insurance Ltd. | May 1, 2023 | Blog, retirement
Essential tips and tricks for paying less tax and keeping more of your retirement incomeMost of your retirement income sources are taxable; Canadian Pension Plan (CPP), your personal pension plan (if you have one) and income from your RRIFs. However, if you’ve set up...
by Coulas Insurance Ltd. | Mar 2, 2023 | Blog, pension plan, Retirees, retirement, rrsp, Tax Free Savings Account
Many of us dream of the day that we can retire and have the time to ourselves that we have dreamed of for so many years. But, to have a genuinely contented and relaxing retirement, you need to ensure that you have the means to afford it. So, now’s the best time...
by Coulas Insurance Ltd. | Jan 2, 2023 | 2023, Blog, Financial Planning, retirement, rrsp, Tax Free Savings Account
Welcome to our 2023 financial calendar! This calendar is designed to help you keep track of important financial dates and deadlines, such as tax filing and government benefit distribution. You can bookmark this page for easy reference or add these dates to your...
by Coulas Insurance Ltd. | Jan 4, 2021 | 2021, Blog, personal finances, rdsp, Registered Education Savings Plan, retirement, rrsp, tax, Tax Free Savings Account
We’ve put together a financial calendar for 2021. It contains all the dates you need to know to make the most of your government benefits and investment options. Whether you want to bookmark this or print it out and post it somewhere prominent, you’ll have everything...